Strengthening Africa’s Country Coordinating Mechanisms 2010 – ongoing

AAI has been working on Global Fund on AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) Country Coordinating Mechanisms since 2009 and a large body of work exists in this area.


Our long term goal has always remained the same: increase transparency (usually using data and research); promotoe dialogue between and amongst stakeholders and to ensure the voices of the most marginlaised are meaningfully included (GIPA principlae as always fundamental to AAI work); and ensure action and practical steps are taken and resources allocated to make the necessary changes.


You will find on your left a variety of work in this area. The website does not contain all our work in this area, please contact phillipa@ if you wish for more info.


Project Goals


The overall medium term goal of this initiative is to increase the meaningful participation of women and girls as well as groups marginalized due to their sexual orientation and gender identity in funding mechanisms like GFATM. Meaningful participation of these groups is expected to make HIV, TB and Malaria programmes more effective, efficient, rights based and cost-effective.


In order to achieve this goal the projects aims are:


1. Increase GFATM and other funders, CCMs and grantee’s accountability to women, girls and LGBT people.


2. Increase mutual accountability at CCM level amongst participants.


3. Increase accountability of civil society to women, girls and LGBT people.


4. Promote greater engagement of women, girls and SOGI groups at country level in CCMs.


5. Develop capacity of women’s, girls and SOGI groups to meaningfully participate in CCMs.


Project Activities


Examples of some of the activities done between 2010 and 2016:


1. To assess and document the current levels of participation of women, girls and SOGI groups in CCMs and other such funding mechanisms including conducting research on to what degree the GE and SOGI strategies are being absorbed, who is promoting the strategies, what understanding women, girls and SOGI groups have of the two strategies and to what degree they are using them.


2. Needs assessment of CSOs and other stakeholders in relation to the participation of women, girls  and SOGI groups in responses to interventions and programmes relating to the fight against HIV, TB and Malaria.


3. Connecting CBOs and other role players for collaboration in relation to integrated responses to the fight against HIV, TB and Malaria.


4. Building capacity of women, girls and SOGI groups and CBOs to participate effectively in GFATM processes at country level, including a better understanding of the two strategies and the action plans.


5. Advocating with policy makers, civil society organisations, public and private sector organisations on the importance of developing a model for participation of women, girls and LGBT with a view to positively impact the fight against HIV, TB and Malaria.


6. Conducting Accountability Literacy capacity building amongst all stakeholders.


7. Developing the Civil Societies Priorities Charters as a means to organise civil society as a collective in their demands at CCM and GFATM level.


8. Collaborations with partners EANNASO and AIDSPAN on developing charters in East Africa.


9.  Global Fund’s Key Populations Engagement Pilot. As the Regional Mentor Organization (RMO) for Swaziland.


10. With EANNASO and led by AIDSPAN, launched a support and learning Community of Practice (CoP) of health watchdogs in East and Southern Africa called“Africa Health Watch”.


11. Following the creation of the CoP, AIDS Accountability International joined the steering committee of Africa Health Watch and supported its various activities.


Project Contacts


Phillipa Tucker, Research and Communications Director, Brussels office, phillipa at, Tel no +32 (0) 4 73 71 82 16.


This project has been made possible by the generous support of