CCM Project Acknowledged as “Success Story” by Regional AIDS Training Network

In the third issue of the Regional AIDS Training Network (RATN) publication “Success Stories in Capacity Building for HIV and AIDS Responses”, AIDS Accountability’s project on Strengthening Africa’s Country Coordinating Mechanisms  (CCM) is acknowledged.

The Success Stories publications was launched by RATN in 2012, to foster information sharing and ensure effective capacity building. The Success Stories booklet is one of their initiatives which ensure that efforts put in capacity building are documented and shared widely for replication and sharing of lessons learnt. In this issue, six stories of success are featured. It presents stories, lessons learnt and
best practices in projects that have been implemented in the recent past from across the Eastern and Southern Africa region.

The chapter on AIDS Accountability’s work, entitled “Participate in Global Fund Decision-Making” highlights the capacity building goals of the project:

  1. Increase Global Funds, CCM and grantee’s accountability to women, girls and LGBT people.
  2. Increase mutual accountability at CCM level amongst participants.
  3. Increase accountability of civil society to women, girls and SOGI groups.
  4. Promote greater engagement of women,girls and SOGI groups at country level in CCMs.
  5. Develop capacity of women’s, girls and SOGI groups to meaningfully participate in CCMs.

Further, it shares voices from project participants about the impact and usefulness of the project’s outputs, as well as the scalability and replicability of the work.

“We have already started using the report to establish some gender transformative gaps in the MGFCC (Malawi Global Fund Coordinating Committee Chair) that the project by SAT (Southern African AIDS Trust) with support from GIZ is planning to support” – CCM Member Ruth Mwandira, DFID, Malawi

“I flew over Malawi for new latitudes and I’m serving now in Guyana, South America. Nevertheless, I believe I can use the reports here as well as we have many challenges with the local CCM.” – CCM Member Roberto Campos, UNAIDS, Guyana

To read the full article, CLICK HERE.