Accountability Preconference ICASA 2017

AIDS Accountability International invites you to attend the first Accountability Preconference in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire on 3rd December 2017. The event will be held at the Tiamo Hotel from 9am until 4pm. Location: Tiamo Hotel, Boulevard de le Republique, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. More info and to register click here
Accountability has been identified as a key factor in improving the response to health development needs in Africa and worldwide. Exactly how accountability functions as a panacea for the gaps in health policy development and health care service delivery is not well understood by many in the field and is seldom implemented in any actionable form.[1] What is known however is that it is a pivotal factor in access to health and human rights. And that accountability plays a key role in achieving the Global 2030 Agenda as well as all African commitments on health. The 2014 UNAIDS Gap Report confirms in its findings that 12 populations have been left behind by the AIDS response. The report states that in order to end the epidemic there is an urgent need to close the gap and provide access to HIV treatment care and support and TB services. Often these 12 populations which have been identified also face issues around criminalization and discriminatory laws which denies their access to critical health services. Sexual minorities, like IDUs, sex workers and young girls in Africa need leaders to be increasingly accountable to them for their health and human rights.[2] In addition to this the revised “Maputo Plan of Action for Implementing the African Continental Sexual & Reproductive health and Rights Policy Framework 2016-2030 has as one of its strategic foci to ensure accountability and strengthen monitoring and evaluation.[3] AAI has been working in the arena of accountability and good governance for just more than ten years, and will be sharing our work and the work of partners at the Accountability Preconference.The main objectives of the exchange
- Improve Accountability Literacy.
- Increase awareness of the relevant African health commitments that apply to HIV and STIs and health generally.
- Increase awareness of the Accountability Framework that the African Union is developing to ensure accountability of these African Health Policy Instruments (AHPI).
- Demonstrate why accountability to sexually diverse Africans is key to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and 90-90-90.
- Showcase innovative projects and work that increase accountability to sexually diverse Africans.
- Exhibit how funding partners such as the Global Fund can be held accountable to the public.
- Present the watchdog work of other civil society organisations working on accountability.
- Develop a civil society statement on accountability for ICASA 2017.
- Discuss trends in accountability, governance and identify and examine the common threads/trends that have always existed and that are emerging.
- Highlight and share successful and unsuccessful accountability lessons regionally and globally. For participants to learn from other partners what strategies are being used to increase accountability.
- Foster partnerships between the participants in order to inspire and enhance effective and sustained work on accountability.
- Rethink how civil society deals with accountability, and interrogate new lenses, new strategies and new opportunities.
- Expand the capacity and network of participants.
Proposed participants
The event aims to convene 50 participants from the LGBT, HIV, sexual and reproductive health and rights community ranging from civil society, funding partners, government and academia etc.About AIDS Accountability International
We are an independent African-led research and advocacy think tank holding leaders accountable for the commitments they have made to respond to health and human rights. We believe that stronger leadership is required in order to ensure that universal human rights are a reality for all. We do this by increasing transparency, promoting dialogue and supporting action for an improved response. Working from our offices in South Africa, Belgium and Sweden, AAI staff co-ordinate projects on a global scale with a particular focus on Africa.Date and Venue
3rd December 2017, 09h00 to 16h00 at the Tiamo Hotel, Boulevard de le Republique, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.Cost and Catering Arrangements
There is no cost to attend. Participants are encouraged to book a seat here, so that AAI can include them in catering planning which is being arranged for all participants for tea breaks and lunch.Panel Facilitator Role
Setting the objective of the panel, and responding to each speaker with their own regions experiences.Draft Agenda
09h00-09h30 | Introductory welcome | AAI’s New Executive Director |
09h30-10h00 | Key Note Address: TBC | |
10h00 -11h00 | THEME | What is the African Union Commission doing about Accountability and Health? |
60 minutes | First Panel | 60 minutes |
5 | Panel Facilitator | Phillipa Tucker, AAI |
10 | Speaker 1 | Introduction to the AUC African health Policy Review Process and Highlights of the outcomes. Sabelo Mbokazi, African Union Commission. |
10 | Speaker 2 | The Accountability Framework for African Health: What You Need to Know and Do. Margaret Agama-Anyetei, African Union Commission. |
10 | Speaker 3 | For Better or For Worse? In Sickness and in Health. A Comparative Analysis of the 1st and 2nd Maputo Plans of Acton and the SDGs Commitments. Bob Mwiinga Munyati, AAI. |
10 | Speaker 4 | The Urgent Need for Funding Partners to be Accountable and Invest in African Health through Engaging with the AUC, Eka Esu Williams, Ford Foundation. |
10 | Q&A | |
5 | Analysis, Closing Synopsis | |
11h00 – 11h30 | Tea and Coffee Break | |
11h30 – 13h00 | THEME | Who is accountable towards African LGBT? |
90 minutes total | Second Panel | 70 minutes |
5 | Panel Facilitator | Lucinda van den Heever, AIDS Accountability International |
10 | Speaker 1 | Experiences from a Rural University in South Africa: Challenging Heteronormativity and Stigma and Discrimination towards LGBT and Gender Non-Conforming Students on Campus. Lucille Maqubela, University Of Mpumalanga, South Africa. |
10 | Speaker 2 | Trans-Diverse and Trans-Led Research: Accountability to Reducing Barriers to Healthcare for the Trans Communities. Ricky Nathanson, Trans* Research, Education, Advocacy and Training (TREAT). |
10 | Speaker 3 | Reflecting on Religious Homophobia and the Church: How HORF has Challenged this through Destabilising Heteronormativity Project. Uchenna Ngene, House Of Rainbow Fellowship Nigeria. |
10 | Speaker 4 | Are Lesbians and Women who have Sex with Women (WSW) Being Ignored in the HIV and AIDS Debate? What are the Implications of this Exclusion? FARUG |
10 | Speaker 5 | Youth and the law in Africa: Liberty |
20 | Q&A | |
5 | Analysis, Closing Synopsis | |
13h00 – 14h00 | Lunch and Screening of DH Social experiments and Documentary | |
14h00 – 15h00 | THEME | What Community Watchdogs Can Do: Holding Funding Partners Accountable |
60 minutes total | Third Panel | 70 minutes |
5 | Panel Facilitator | Amr Awad, AAI |
10 | Speaker 1 | Findings from the CSO and Communities National Shadow Reports on Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms. Olive Mumba, EANNASO. |
10 | Speaker 2 | The Impact of the CCM Shadow Report at Country Level. National watchdog, TBC. |
10 | Speaker 3 | A Greater Role for CSOs in Holding Funding Partners Accountable: Findings from the CCM Scorecard. Phillipa Tucker, AAI. |
10 | Speaker 4 | The Impact of Watchdogging on Global Fund Accountability: Ida Hakizinka, AIDSPAN. |
10 | Q&A. | |
5 | Analysis, Closing Synopsis. | |
15h00 – 15h30 | Tea and Coffee Break | |
15h30 – 16h00 | Closing Session and Ceremony, Thanks and Acknowledgements | New horizons: Accountability going forward |
[1] Accountability Theory: How can it improve the response to health needs in Africa? P Tucker, AAI 2014.
[2] Sexual diversity in Africa: an argument for the inclusion of sexual minorities in African development policy, L van den Heever, AAI, 2015.
[3] For better, for worse? In sickness and in health? An Investigation into the New MPOA and whether it Improves Accountability on SRHR in Africa. Bob Mwiinga Munyati, AAI, 2016.