Accountability Now! Event at ICASA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Presentations now available

7 December 2011

The presentations of the speakers from this event in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia are now available online.


As part of the Monitoring the MPOA project AIDS Accountability International (AAI) is committed to increasing the dialogue around accountability and improving the response to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) needs in Africa and this event was an opportunity to do exactly that!Civil society, policy advocates, networks of people living with HIV, policy makers, government officials, regional and continental health desk representatives, national department of health staff, donors, bi- and multi-lateral agency staff, and all other accountability stakeholders all attended to learn more about accountability and the MPOA, and its potential for impact on SRHR across the continent.


Dr Sheila Tlou, Director, UNAIDS Regional Support Team for East and Southern Africa. Presentation

Dr Ademola Olajide, Head – Health, Nutrition and Population, Dept of Social Affairs, African Union Commission. Presentation

Ms Phillipa Tucker, Senior Researcher, AIDS Accountability International. Presentation

Other speakers included:

Dr Eka Williams, Programme Officer, Ford Foundation
Mr Gavin Reid, Technical Support Officer, GNP+