AAI CSO African Common Position on ICPD – List of signatories

AIDS Accountability International has now submitted the CSO African Common Position on ICPD to the African Union Commission's Commissioner for Social Affairs, His Excellency Dr. Mustapha S. Kaloko on Wednesday, 5 June 2013.

AAI has received 224 signatories representing 342 CSOs from 42 African countries and 16 non-African countries.


List of signatories:



1. AIDS Accountability International (Africa and International)

2. AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (Namibia)

3. Africa Alliance for HIV Prevention (South Africa)

4. Action Group for Health, Human Rights and HIV/AIDS (Uganda)

5. Action Group on Adolescent Health (Nigeria)

6. Africa Coalition on Maternal, New-born and Child Health (Nigeria)

7. African Council of AIDS Service Organizations (Senegal)

8. Action Health Incorporated (Nigeria)

9. Adele Reproductive Health Foundation (Cameroonian)

10. Affiliated Network for Social Accountability (Tunisia)

11. Africa Fatherhood Initiative (Zimbabwe)

12. African Sex Workers Alliance (Nigeria)

13. AfriYAN (Ivory Coast)

14. Action Visant Education et Valorization des Enfants Non Assistés (Congo)

15. Africa Youth Coalition Against Hunger (Sierra Leone)

16. Afrikagrupperna

1.) Acção para o Desenvolvimento Rural e Ambiente (ADRA)(Angola)

2.) Africa Book Development Organization (Zimbabwe)

3.) AIDS response (South Africa)

4.) Apoio à sociedade civil e aos serviços de saúde contra o SIDA em Cuamba (Mozambique)

5.) Associação dos Amigos dos Seropositivos (Angola)

6.) Associacão Moçambicana de Educação Comunitária (Mozambique)

7.) Associação Moçambicana para o Desenvolvimento da Família (Mozambique)

8.) Benguela (Angola)

9.) Bismas das Acácias (Angola)

10.) Border Rural Committee (South Africa)

11.) Centro de Apoio à Promoção e Desenvolvimento de Comunidades (Angola)

12.) Cuamba (Mozambique)

13.) East Cape Agricultural Research Project (South Africa)

14.) Edward Ndlovu Memorial Trust (Zimbabwe)

15.) Family Aids Caring Trust Chiredzi (Zimbabwe)

16.) Fórum de ONG´s de Cabo Delgado (Mozambique)

17.) Fórum Mulher (Mozambique)

18.) Horizonte (Angola)

19.) International Labour Research and Information Group (South Africa)

20.) Jairos Jiri Association (Zimbabwe)

21.) Khanya College, KC (South Africa)

22.) Labour Resource and Research Organisation (Namibia)

23.) Legal Assistance Centre (Namibia)

24.) Malanje (Angola)

25.) Namibia Network of AIDS Service Organisation (Namibia)

26.) Ohandje Artist Co-operative- Ltd (Namibia)

27.) Organização da Mulher Angolana (Angola)

28.) Rede Moçambicana de Organizações Contra o Sida (Mozambique)

29.) Sesithule Vamanani Caring Association (Zimbabwe)

30.) Sikhula Sonke (South Africa)

31.) Southern African Peoples´ Solidarity Network (Zimbabwe)

32.) Surplus People Project (South Africa)

33.) União Nacional de Camponeses (Mozambique)

34.) União Nacional Desenvolvimento Estudantil (Mozambique)

35.) Zimbabwe AIDS Network (Zimbabwe)

36.) Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (Zimbabwe)

17. Alliance of Solidarity For the Family (Seychelles)

18. Amanitare Sexual Rights Network (South Africa)

19. Association for Reintegration of Youth/Children in Social Life (SCARJoV)  (Angola)

20. Association for Reproductive and Family Health (Nigeria)

21. Ben Jones Akpan & Co. (Nigeria)

22. Big Steps Outreach Network (Cameroun)

23. Brave Heart Initiative for Youth & Women (Nigeria)

24. Bunge La Mwanainchi (Kenya)

25. Cameroon Medical Women Association (Cameroun)

26. Care Conscious (Nigeria)

27. CARE International Organization (Egypt)

28. Campbell International Limited (Nigeria)

29. Centre de Formation et de Recherche en matière de Population (Benin)

30. Centre for Health works Development and Research (Nigeria)

31. Centre for the Development of People (Malawi)

32. Centre for Human Rights and Reproductive Justice (Ghana)

33. Centre for the study of Adolescence (Kenya)

34. Centre of Training and research on Population (Benin)

35. Centre for Health & Economic Empowerment for Women & Youth (Nigeria)

36. Centre for Human Rights Promotion (Tanzanian)

37. Centre for Popular Education and Human Rights (Ghana)

38. Centre for Research and Preventive Health Care (Nigeria)

39. Centre for the Study of Adolescence (Kenya)

40. Centre for Women and Adolescent Empowerment (Nigerian)

41. Chama cha Uzazi na Malezi Bora Tanzania (Tanzania)

42. Chamagne Foundation (Nigeria)

43. Child Rights Civil Society Forum in Mozambique (Mozambique)

44. Club Initie Pour La Lutte Contre Le SIDA  (Togo)

45. Coalition of African Lesbians (South Africa)

46. Communication for Development Centre (Nigeria)

47. Community and Family AID Foundation (Ghana)

48. Concern Women International Development Initiative (Nigeria)

49. Congo Network of Religious Leaders Living With or Personally Affected by HIV and AIDS  (DRC)

50. Do the Dream Youth Development Imitative (Nigeria)

51. Education as a Vaccine (Nigeria)

52. Esperance SFBLSP (Burundi)

53. FAMEDEV-Inter Africa Network for Women, Media ,Gender and Development (Senegal)

54. Femmes et Droits Humains (Mali)

55. Femmes-Santé-Développement (Cameroun)

56. Federal University (Nigeria)

57. Fianakaviana Sambatra (Madagascar)

58. Fortress of Hope Africa (Kenya)

59. Foundation for Environmental Rights, Advocacy & Development (Nigeria)

60. Foundation for Human Rights and Community Development (Tanzania)

61. Friends Africa (Friends of the Global Fund Africa) ( Nigeria)

62. Fundación para Estudio e Investigación de la Mujer (Argentina)

63. Girls to Women Research and Development Centre (Nigeria)

64. Global Call to Action Against Poverty (Nigeria)

65. Gender Equality & Health Organization (Uganda)

66. Gender Equality Watch / Center for Media Studies (Mozambique)

67. Global Developmental Corps (South Africa)

68. Gender Training Institute (Tanzania)

69. Generation Initiative For Women and Youth Network (Nigeria)

70. Global Compassion (Cameroon)

71. Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS (Ghana)

72. Goureli-Conseils (Mali/Canada)

73. Grace Hygie-Enween (Nigeria)

74. Kenya Treatment Access Movement (Kenya)

75. HATS Community Empowerment Programme (Ghana)

76. Health Development Consultancy Services (Cameroon)

77. Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division (South Africa)

78. ICHANGE CI (Cote D’Ivoire)

79. I Choose Life (Kenya)

80. Ibis Reproductive Health (South Africa)


82. Indigenous Muslim Women Living with HIV in Kenya (Kenya)

83. Institute of Human Virology Nigeria (Nigeria)

84. International Centre for Sexual Reproductive Rights (Nigeria)

85. International Federation of Women Lawyers (Nigeria)

86. International Planned Parenthood Federation

1.) Association Burkinabe pour le Bien-être Familial (Burkina Faso)

2.) Associação Angolana para o Bem Estar da Familia (Angola)

3.)  Associação Caboverdiana para a Proteção da Familia (Cape Verde)

4.) Associação Mocambicana para o Desenvolvimento da Familia (Mozambique)

5.) Associação Santomense para a Promoção Familiar (Sao Time & Principe)

6.) Association Femmes Et Actions Pour Le Développement (Guinea)

7.) Association Béninoise pour la Promotion de la Famille (Benin)

8.) Association Centrafricaine pour le Bien-être Familial (Central African Republic)

9.) Association Central Africa Against AIDS (Central African Republic)

10.) Association Comorienne pour le Bien être de la Famille (Comores)

11.) Association Congolaise pour te Bien-être Familial (Congo)

12.) Association Guinéenne pour le Bien-être Familial (Guinea)

13.) Association Ivoirienne pour le Bien-être Familial (Ivory Coast)

14.) Association Malienne Pour La Promotion Et La Protection De La Famille (Mali)

15.) Association Nigérienne pour le Bien-être Familial (Niger)

16.) Association pour le Bien-être Familial/Naissances Desirables (Democratic Republic of Congo)

17.) Association Rwandaise pour le Bien-être Familial (Rwanda)

18.) Association Sénégalaise pour le Bien-être Familial (Senegal)

19.) Association Togolaise pour le Bien-être Familial (Togo)

20.) Association Burundaise pour le Bien-être Familial (Burundi)

21.) Association Tchadienne pour le Bien-être Familial (Chad)

22.) Botswana Family Welfare Association (Botswana)

23.) Cameroon National Association for Family Welfare (Cameroon)

24.) Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia (Ethiopia)

25.) Family Life Association of Swaziland (Swaziland)

26.) Family Planning Association of Liberia (Liberia)

27.) Family Planning Association of Malawi (Malawi)

28.) Lesotho Planned Parenthood Association (Lesotho)

29.) Mauritius Family Planning Association (Mauritius)

30.) Namibia Planned Parenthood Association (Namibia)

31.) Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (Ghana)

32.) Planned Parenthood Association of Liberia (Liberia)

33.) Planned Parenthood Association of Nigeria (Nigeria)

34.) Planned Parenthood Association of Sierra Leone (Sierra Leone)

35.) Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (Zambia)

36.) Reproductive Health Uganda (Uganda)

37.) Mouvement Gabonais pour le Bien-être Familial (Gabon)

38.) Uzazi na Malezi Bora Tanzania (Tanzania)

87. Ipas African Alliance

1.) Kenya

2.) Malawi

3.) Mozambique

4.) Senegal

5.) Tanzania

6.) Uganda

88. Ipas (Ethiopia)

89. Ipas (Ghana)

90. Ipas (Nigeria)

91. Ipas (South Africa)

92. Ipas (Zambia)

93. Jean-Christophe Bègue (Benin)

94. Kennedy Otieno (Kenya)

95. Kids & Teens Resource Centre (Nigeria)

96. Kulihoshi Musikami Pecos (Uganda)

97. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Ghana)

98. Lagos University Teaching Hospital (Nigeria)

99. Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals of Botswana (LEGABIBO) (Botswana)

100. Life builders (Nigeria)

101. Life Skills Awareness Development Organization (Malawi)

102. Local Development Agency on Reproductive and Maternal Health (Ghana)

103. Luyando Foundation Women in Africa (Zambia)

104. Malawi Human Rights Center ( Malawi)

105. Malawi Network of AIDS Service Organizations (Malawi)

106. Marie Stopes (South Africa, Ethiopia and International)

107. Mosaic Training Service & Healing Centre for Women (South Africa)

108. Mathabo Khau (South Africa)

109. Mozambican Sex Workers Associations (Mozambique)

110. Minority Women in Action (Kenya)

111. Muslim Family Counseling Services (Ghana)

112. Muthurwa Residents Welfare Association (Kenya)

113. N´weti (Mozambique)

114. National Association of People Living with HIV and AIDS -South Africa (South Africa)

115. Neighborhood Improvement (Cameroun)

116. Network of African People Living with HIV, Southern Africa Region (South Africa)

117. Network of Zambian People Living with HIV and AIDS (Zambia)

118. Networking HIV,AIDS Community Of South Africa (NACOSA) (South Africa)

119. Ngohygie-enwerem Foundation (Nigeria)

120. Niger Delta Women’s movement for Peace and Development (Nigeria)

121. Omega Project Management Foundation (Ghana)

122. ONG Clueduca (Mali)

123. ONG Femmes-Santé-Développement (Cameroun)

124. ONG Young Leaders Corporation (Benin)

125. Organization for Peace and Unity Development Initiative (Nigeria)

126. Our Needs Foundation (Ghana)

127. Pair Éducateur et Promoteur  sans frontière (Cameroun)

128. Pan-African Development Education and Advocacy Programme (Nigeria)

129. Partners in Sexual Health (South Africa)

130. Peer Education Program of Cameroon (Cameroun)

131. People for Peace and Defence of Rights (Uganda)

132. People’s Health Movement Benin (Benin)

133. Population Health Environment Consortium (Ethiopia)

134. Positive Women's Network (South Africa)

135. Queer African Youth Networking (Burkina Faso)

1) Women’s Health and Equal Rights (Nigeria)

2) Aids Acodev (Cameroun)

3) Queer Alliance (Nigeria)

4) Humanity First (Cameroon)

5) WhyCantWeGetMarried.Com (WCWGM) (Sierra Leone)

136. Rainbow Ethiopia Community Outreach HIV and Psycho-social Support Services (Ethiopia)

137. Real opportunities Network (Ghana)

138. Red de mujeres trabajadoras sexuales de Latinoamerica y El Caribe (Regional Lac)

139. Regional AIDS Training Network (Kenya)

1) African Medical & Research Foundation(Kenya)

2) Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS) (Kenya)

3) Kenya AIDS Vaccine Initiative (KAVI) (Kenya)

4) Gertrude’s Pediatric Training Centre (Kenya)

5) Liverpool VCT Care and Treatment (LVCT) (Kenya)

6) Kenya Association of Professional Counselors (KAPC) (Kenya)

7) Network for Researchers in Eastern and Southern Africa (NARESA) (Kenya)

8) University of Nairobi, Clinical Epidemiology Unit (CEU) (Kenya)

9) AIDS Information Centre (AIC) (Uganda)

10) Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) (Uganda)

11) Mildmay Uganda (MU) (Uganda)

12) The AIDS Support Organization (TASO) (Uganda)

13) Traditional and Modern Health Practitioners Together Against AIDS (THETA)   (Uganda)

14) Uganda National Consumers Organization (UNHCO) (Uganda)

15) Eastern and Southern African Management Institute (ESAMI) (Tanzania)

16) Tanzania Gender Networking Programme (TGNP) (Tanzania)

17) Kigali Health Institute (KHI) (Rwanda)

18) Pro Femme Twese Hamwe (Rwanda)

19) Malawi College of Health Sciences (MCHS) (Malawi)

20) Malawi Institute of Management (MIM) (Malawi)

21) Churches Health Association of Zambia (CHAZ) (Zambia)

22) In-Service Training Trust (ISTT) (Zambia)

23) Kara Counseling and Training Trust Ltd (KCCT) (Zambia)

24) The Salvation Army, Chikankata Mission Hospital (Zambia)

25) CONNECT – Zimbabwe Institute of Systemic Therapy (Zimbabwe)

26) Family AIDS Caring Trust (F.A.C.T.) (Zimbabwe)

27) Genital-Urinary Centre (GUC) (Zimbabwe)

28) Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) (Zimbabwe)

29) Health Economic and HIV/AIDS Research Division (HEARD), (South Africa)

30) Regional Psycho-Social Support Initiative (REPSSI) (South Africa)

31) Southern Africa AIDS Dissemination Service (SAFAIDS) (South Africa)

32) Southern African AIDS Trust (SAT) (South Africa)

33) Institute of Development Management (IDM) (Botswana)

34) Mananga Centre for Regional Integration and Management Development (Swaziland)

35) Institute of Development Management (IDM) (Lesotho)

140. Reproductive Health Uganda (Uganda)

141. Responsible Programmes Femmes (Cameroon)

142. Réseau des ONG Béninoises de Santé (Benin)

143. Rosebush Foundation (Nigeria)

144. Rwandese Association for Family Welfare (Rwanda)

145. Safe Abortion Action Fund (Rwanda)

146. Sambatra Izay Salama (Madagascar)

147. Save the Children

148. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Alliance (Kenya)

149. Simbarashe National Network for People Living With HIV/AIDS (Zimbabwe)

150. Sister Namibia (Namibia)

151. Smart Solutions Consulting (Nigeria)

152. Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (South Africa)

153. Solidarité Des Femmes Burundaise Pour La Lutte Contre Sida Et Le Paludisme (Burundi)

154. Southern African AIDS Trust (South Africa)

155. Southern Africa HIV and AIDS Information Dissemination Service (Zimbabwe and Zambia)

156. Stop AIDS In Liberia (Liberia)

157. Student And Youth Working on Reproductive Health Action Team (Zimbabwe)

158. Talk for Change Africa (Tanzania)

159. Tanzania Sisi Kwa Sisi Foundation (Tanzania)

160. Teens and Youth Transformation Initiative (Nigeria)

161. Terre des Jeunes du Burundi (Burundi)

162. The Arabic Network for Social Accountability (Tunisia)

163. The Family Health Options of Kenya (Kenya)

164. Third Eye (Egypt)

165. Treatment Advocacy & Literacy Campaign (Zambia)

166. Uganda Young Positives (Uganda)

167. UHAI-The East African Sexual Health and Rights Initiative (EASHRI) (Kenya)

168. UKZN AIDS Programme (South Africa)

169. Unité de gestion de coordination des programmes gouvernement-Système des Nations Unies (Togo)

170. Ouedraogo Drissa (Cameroon)

171. Urgent Action Fund (Africa)

172. Vincent Gahenda (Rwanda)

173. Vision in Action (Cameroon)

174. Women's Action Group (Zimbabwe)

175. Women for A Change (Cameroon)

176. Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (Tanzania) (Congo)

177. Women Working with Women (Kenya)

178. Women's Health and Action Research Centre (Nigeria)

179. Women’s Health, HIV and AIDS Southern Africa (Zimbabwe)

180. Women’s Promotion Centre (Tanzania)

181. Women Initiative For Peace & Good Governance (Nigeria)

182. Women's Organization Network for Human Rights Advocacy (Uganda)

183. Work Youth Women Christian Association (Kenya)

184. Young Beninese Leaders Association (Benin)

185. Young Women Christian Association (Kenya)

186. Young Women Christian Association (South Africa)

187. Young Women Christian Association (Zambia)

188. Young Women Christian Association (Namibia)

189. Young Women Christian Association (Nigeria)

190. Young Women Christian Association (Sierra Leone)

191. Young Women's Knowledge and Leadership Institute (Burundi)

192. Youth Action Movement (Kenya)

193. Youth Empowerment and Civic Education (Malawi)

194. Youth Hub Africa (Nigeria)

195. Youth Vision (Zambia)

196. Youth Women Christian Associations (Sierra Leone)

197. Zimbabwe Association of Doctors for Human Rights (Zimbabwe)

198. Zimbabwe National Family Planning Committee (Zimbabwe) Asia

199. AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific (Thailand)

200. Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women (Malaysia)

201. Development Frontiers (Bangladesh)

202. Hero’s Project (India)

203. Lokmat  Pratishthan (India)

204. Sahayogi Samaj/Blue Diamond Society (Nepal)

205. Space Allies (Japan)

206. Sustainable Resource Foundation (Pakistan)


207. Ariel Consulting International (Switzerland)

208. Le Planning Familial (MFPF) (France)

209. Clinical Centre of University in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

210. Vincent Villeneuve (France)

211. Madzikanga Maxwell (United Kingdom)

212. Rutgers World Population Foundation (Rutgers WPF) (Netherlands)

213. STOP AIDS NOW! (Netherlands)

214. Women for Women′s Human Rights (WWHR) (Turkey)

North America

215. AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (USA)

216. Fundación Arcoíris (Mexico)

217. Global Doctors for Choice (USA)

218. International Microbicide Advocates Chicago (USA

219. IPAS (USA)

220. Pathfinder International (USA)

221. Jennifer Chan (Canada)

222. Sardar Arif Uddin (Canada)

223. Support for AIDS and Health Programs (Canada)

224. Associação Guineense para o Bem Estar Familiar (Guinea)



To read the full submission letter and list of signatories click here: AAI CSO African Common Position on ICPD Submission Letter Final