Accountability Forum 2009-2012

The HIV/AIDS Accountability Forum was a coalition of  international non-governmental organizations promoting an actionable accountability framework for government commitments to HIV, including AIDS Accountability International (AAI), GESTOS, the Global Network Of People with HIV/AIDS (GNP+), International Community of Women living with HIV/AIDS (ICW), and World AIDS Campaign. The HIV/AIDS Accountability Forum was a global platform for information exchange and public debate on HIV/AIDS and accountability issues that was run by AAI until 2012. Accountability Framework We base our projects on a basic three-step framework for accountability. The framework suggests a way to ensure that the principle of accountability in the response to HIV and AIDS is translated from rhetoric into a set of actionable governance steps. The framework can be applied to national governments, private sector and other stakeholders. The framework was developed with partners of the HIV & AIDS Accountability Forum and used for advocacy for the UN High Level Meeting on HIV & AIDS in June 2011. The Forum is a Ford Foundation funded project with AIDS Accountability International, GESTOS, Global Health Council, GNP+, ICW, IPPF/WHR and World AIDS Campaign as members. See the press release June, 3 2011. Read the Full Accountability Framework