SA NAP Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia & Related Intolerance 2016

SA NAP Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia & Related Intolerance

In 2001, the Durban Declaration urged states, including SA, "to establish & implement without delay national policies & action plans to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia & related intolerance, including their gender-based manifestations." The SA Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DOJCD) had developed the plan and was taking feedback until 30 June 2016. The call for comment from the SA Department of Justice and Constitutional Development can be seen here: In June 2016, AIDS Accountability International (AAI) facilitated a one-day space for SA civil society to feedback on the South African National Action Plan to Combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance. With this meeting AAI hoped to offer a space for a few SA activists to quickly and efficiently engage and develop feedback on this vital doc for submission to DOJCD. AAI was only engaging for the one day: we had no budget line, no staffer and no project that took this work further. Contributions at the meeting were made by AAI, Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR)/Triangle Project/Hate Crimes Working Group (HCWG), Kwanele, Legal Resources Centre (LRC), Ibis Reproductive Health (IRH), LGBTI Botswana, Professional Journalists’ Association of South Africa (ProJourn), and Gay and Lesbian Memory in Action (GALA). This Draft was compiled by ProJourn based on the minutes of the meeting, in particular the agreement on what the contents of this Draft should embrace, and the three key principles on which it should be based. It will be adopted or amended by AAI. The document submitted can be found here: AAI Triangle SA NAP CSO FINAL REVISED Contact person: Phillipa Tucker phillipa at aidsaccountability dot org