The AAI Scorecard on LGBT 2011

In 2010 AIDS Accountability initiated research to analyze the degree to which countries are fulfilling commitments to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in the response to HIV and AIDS: the AIDS Accountability Scorecard on LGBT. The Scorecard on LGBT was composed of three elements:
Element 1: An analysis of global data on HIV Counselling and Testing for LGBT Element 2: An analysis of global data on HIV Prevention for LGBT Element 3: An analysis of global data on HIV Knowledge for LGBTThe Scorecard on LGBT - evidence for dialogue
The overall aim of the AIDS Accountability Scorecard on LGBT is to motivate greater emphasis in the AIDS response on the particular needs of all sexually diverse people. The Scorecard will highlight a lack of data from many countries and poor performance from some, but also point to strong performances and a progressive approach in others. The scorecard analysis is designed to provide an evidence-base for a constructive dialogue between government and stakeholders on the strengths and weaknesses in countries’ responses to AIDS. The scorecard is not intended as a final statement that apportions blame, but rather as a catalyst for a consultative dialogue that will result in constructive change. It is our hope that the AIDS Accountability Scorecard on LGBT will empower stakeholders with new information and analysis that will increase the leverage of their advocacy for stronger responses to AIDS from their respective governments.
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Contact Phillipa Tucker for more information: phillipa at