AAI Accountability Framework

Increasing Accountability
AAI believes that strong and accountable leadership is necessary to ensure effective responses to health needs. We do this by increasing transparency, promoting dialogue and supporting action to improve the response.
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Transparency: Data, full, relevant, correct, accurate and unbiased data that is methodologically sound, periodically collected and collectively reported, discussed and reported as well as transparent about its failings and limitations is a vital starting point for any discussion on developing a response to health problems.
Dialogue: Dialogue should mean all relevant stakeholders can meaningfully and freely participate, without fear, in the discussions and de- bates on the delivery and performance of health by public servants, especially in relation to the commitments they as governments and leaders have made.
Action: Action is necessary for public servants to improve their delivery of health, share their successes and learn from their failures making for quality, improved, sustainable and human rights based health access for all a reality. All leaders, not just governments, need to act to ensure transparency and dialogue are part of the health development process.
The framework was developed with partners of the HIV & AIDS Accountability Forum and used for advocacy for the UN High Level Meeting on HIV & AIDS in June 2011. The Forum is a Ford Foundation funded project with AIDS Accountability International, GESTOS, Global Health Council, GNP+, ICW, IPPF/WHR and World AIDS Campaign as members. The following quote comes from a press release from June, 3 2011.
“We understand that national targets will not always be reached. There can be clear and logical reasons which civil society can well understand. The setting of goals should not frighten countries, it can enhance performance, partnership, meaningful dialogue, and create a shared vision between member states and civil society” said Kevin Moody, International Coordinator and CEO for the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+)