Civil Society Priorities Charters for the Global Fund New Funding Model

With the Global Fund's New Funding Model fast approaching, and many countries already underway with concept note writing, the timing is vital to ensure that inclusive and consultative procedures are part of the requests for funding. The Global Fund is very clear that country dialogue must include input from various stakeholders, not just from government and those who sit on the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM). Civil society organizations must be part of this process, especially those that represent key populations, people living with HIV/TB/malaria, women, young girls, LGBT individuals and people living with disabilities.

To help ensure that concept note writing includes as many voices as possible, especially those of the marginalized, AIDS Accountability International is hosting a series of in-country workshops for local civil society to develop a Priorities Charter, which gets taken to the CCM and used as an advocacy roadmap to help make sure that the concept note includes the voice of civil society.



On 30-31 October 2013, 57 participants from 36 partner organizations met in Mbabane and created the Swaziland Civil Society Priorities Charter. It was formally presented to the CCM during the CCM meeting on November 14th, and has now been submitted by civil society members as an official reference document to be used during concept note writing.

CLICK HERE to view the Swaziland Civil Society Priorities Charter



On 20 November 2013, 54 participants from 40 partner organizations met in Lusaka and created the Zambia Civil Society Priorities Charter. This was a side event at the High Impact Africa II Meeting hosted by the Global Fund. The Charter was formally presented to the CCM during the final CCM meeting on 10 December 2013.

CLICK HERE to view the Zambia Civil Society Priorities Charter

Malawi 3

On 13 February 2014, 45 participants from 37 partner organizations met in Lilongwe and created the Malawi Civil Society Priorities Charter. Delegates traveled from Blantyre, Chitipa, Karonga, Mchinji, Mzuzu, Nkhotakota, Ntcheu, Ntchisi, Thyolo and Zomba to represent their constituencies.

CLICK HERE to view the Malawi Civil Society Priorities Charter


On 14 March 2014, 65 participants representing 50 partner organizations gathered at AAI’s workshop (co-hosted with The Southern African AIDS Trust and the Zimbabwe AIDS Network) in Harare and created the Zimbabwe Civil Society Priorities Charter. Delegates traveled from Gweru, Zvishavane, Masvingo, Chiredzi, Gwanda, Bulawayo, Hwange, Chinhoyi, Rushinga, Birchnough and Mutare to represent their constituencies.

CLICK HERE to view the Zimbabwe Civil Society Priorities Charter


On 9 May 2014, AAI hosted 89 participants representing 78 partner organizations in Dar es Salaam, to create the Tanzania Civil Society Priorities Charter. The workshop was co-hosted with the Southern African AIDS Trust and The National Council for People Living with HIV/AIDS Tanzania (NACOPHA), and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance and Tanzania Council for Social Development (TACOSODE) hosted a pre-meeting for key populations on 8 May 2014. The document reflects input from delegates who traveled from Bukoba, Dodoma, Karagwe, Kibaha, Mbozi, Mpanda, Ruvuma, Shinyanga, Sikonge, Songea, Sumbawange, Tuduma, Ukerwe Islands and Zanzibar, to represent their constituencies in the Charter.

CLICK HERE to view the Tanzania Civil Society Priorities Charter


On 20 June 2014, The Zanzibar AIDS Commission hosted a workshop for civil society in Zanzibar to create their Priorities Charter for the Global Fund New Funding Model. The workshop was hosted in partnership with UNAIDS and was facilitated by AIDS Accountability International. The Zanzibar Civil Society Priorities Charter represents a consensus among 67 participants representing 51 partner organizations. The International HIV/AIDS Alliance worked closely with the Key Populations Network (KP Network) to host a pre-meeting for key populations on 19 June 2014. Delegates travelled from both Pemba and Unguja to represent their constituencies.

CLICK HERE to view the Zanzibar Civil Society Priorities Charter


On 30-31 July 2014, the Uganda Network of AIDS Service Organizations (UNASO) hosted a workshop at the Africana Hotel in Kampala, Uganda, for civil society organizations to set their priorities for the upcoming HIV/TB concept note to the Global Fund. The workshop was held in partnership with the East African National Networks of AIDS Service Organizations and AIDS Accountability International, bringing together 100 participants from 56 different partner organizations. Ahead of this two day workshop, partners of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, including those from the Link Up an SHARP programmes, held a pre-meeting for young key populations. At this pre-meeting, held on 25 July 2014, participants created The Young Key Populations Charter, to be used for advocacy during the wider stakeholder meeting.

CLICK HERE to view the Uganda Civil Society Priorities Charter


On 20-22 August 2014, 44 participants from 32 partner organizations met outside Nairobi, Kenya at Maanzoni Lodge to create the Kenya Civil Society Priorities Charter. The workshop was hosted by Aidspan, in partnership with the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, KANCO, lvct Health, KeNAAM, and with technical support from AIDS Accountability International and EANNASO. Each of the priority areas are supported by an in-depth case study, researched and written by local civil society organizations. Links to these case studies can be found inside the Charter.

CLICK HERE to view the Kenya Civil Society Priorities Charter

AIDS Accountability International Priorities Charter ZA

AIDS Accountability International is proud to have co-hosted and facilitated the SA Country Dialogue with Southern African AIDS Trust and the SA National AIDS Committee Civil Society Forum in Johannesburg on 1 and 2 March 2015.

This meeting represented the most important civil society meeting on funding for health in Socuth Africa for CSOs in 2015.

AAI applied our Priorities Charter methodology to develop a consensus amongst CSOs on what the concept note that gets submitted to the Global Fund should include.

South African SANAC Civil Society Forum Priorities Charter Final