September 2012: Launch of the MPOA Scorecard
The MPOA Scorecard provides data and an analysis of statistics provided by African governments to the African Union Commission in the Maputo Plan of Action (MPOA) reporting. This report first briefly introduces the various concepts that inform sexual and reproductive health and rights on the continent, how the Maputo Plan of Action commitment evolved as a government solution, and how accountability and data can be used to improve Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). In the second section of the report the data is presented and analysed in an easy-to-read manner and a way forward provides recommendations in the final closing section. Author: Phillipa Tucker.
29 June 2012: Evaluating the Reporting Process for the MPOA Progress Assessment Tool: A review of the inclusion and exclusion of civil society in the monitoring and evaluation procedures of the Maputo Plan of Action
This report looks at the role that civil society played in completing the Maputo Plan of Action reporting. It evaluates the why civil society involvement in the UNGASS reporting process has been helpful and is both desired and achievable, examines 3 case studies on Malawi, Sudan and Benin and then asks "Why has the same collaborative process that is improving for UNGASS not also happening with MPOA?" The report then ends with recommendations on how the future rounds could be improved. Principle Author: Gemma Oberth.
Read more about the discussion
Read the full report: AAI MPOA Reporting Process Analysis June 2012
Too busy? Read the brief version! AAI MPOA Reporting Process Analysis June 2012 Brief
December 2011: Accountability Now! Presentations now available
The presentations of the speakers from this event (in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Wednesday, Dec 07 2011) are now available online.
1 August 2010: AAI launches MPOA 1
An Assessment of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Responses and Reporting in Africa.